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On your Mac, choose Apple menu System Preferences, then click Network. VPN connections using PPTP are insecure and no longer supported in macOS 10.12. A list of secure VPN protocols and authentication methods are available at: HT206152. We also have articles which explain how to set up a VPN on a Mac, and a guide on setting up a VPN on an Apple TV. In this article we’re using NordVPN as it's our current top pick, but there are. Connect to VPN automatically when you launch the NordVPN app or when your Mac starts up. Ultimate security at top speed Go fast, stay stable NordVPN offers servers in 59 countries, assuring a fast and reliable VPN connection wherever you are. Apple Fitness+ is coming late 2020. Apple TV+ is $4.99/month after free trial. One subscription per Family Sharing group. Offer good for 3 months after eligible device activation. Plan automatically renews until cancelled. Restrictions and other terms apply.

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